Apache Shindig / Java 版も動かしてみる
Sample Container はJavaの方が多いのかどうかよくわからないけれど、jettyで動かせば面倒な設定もいらなさそうな雰囲気だったので。
http://incubator.apache.org/shindig/developers/java/build.html にやり方がいろいろ書いてあるが、手元のMac OS X(Java 1.5.0_16) だと mvn コマンド数回叩かないとBuildできないお茶目な状態だった。
で、mvn -Prun で動いたので、サンプルコンテナーのディレクトリを見てみると、PubSubとかあるwww。iframe間でPubSub。
とかあって、これも標準らしい。そういや、OpenAjax HUB ってどうなってんの?と思って見てみる。OpenSocial に関して最近のminutesで言及があったようだ。
Jon: One way or the other, it's just a few lines of code
Adam: The OpenSocial approach is more elegant. Our approach wouldn't look as good to outside people
Kin: OpenSocial and OpenAjax specs are eerily similar.
Jon: Yes. In fact, we have been purposely moving the OpenAjax specs to align better, with the long-term goal of seeing if we can combine them in the long haul. That's why the Gadgets TF split off the gadgets features and made a bunch of changes. For better alignment.
Kin: Why have different formats?
Jon: Yes, major overlap, but OpenSocial isn't addressing all of the needs for Enterprise mashups, and haven't been responsive about moving in that direction. So, we finish 1.0, and then look to see about some method of merging down the road, either consolidated formats or maybe have Shindig support both OpenSocial Gadgets and OpenAjax widgets.